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Membership to the Indonesian Diaspora Business Council is open to all businesses owned by the Indonesian Diaspora.
Membership benefits include access to all IDBC events, as well as IDBC-TradeLink.
There is no membership fee to join IDBC from 2012 until the present time.
Member will have direct access to industry professionals across the globe into sectors such as Tourism, Hotel, Restaurant, Food & Spices sectors, Health and Medical, Advanced Manufacturing, Cyber Security, Agri-Business, Infrastructure, Building and Construction, Educator and other professionals, bilateral trade and investment opportunities.

Connect and Collaborate
What is IDBC - TradeLink?
its Diaspora Business virtual trade promotion and collaboration platform, to synergize their business opportunities and accommodate online business information and transaction between Indonesian businesses to the global market.
We provide a simple, easy to access and mobile platform to accommodate business players for utilizing our platform at any time and at anywhere.

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